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Landfill Gas Safety

Hazards of landfill gas

Hazards of Landfill Gas And Risks to Building Development

Understanding the hazards of landfill gas and evaluating the risks in relation to the location and form of building development, is fundamental to arriving at a successful and safe design strategy. The major hazards of landfill gas with respect to building development are summarized as follows: (a) Flammabilily hazards of landfill gas Landfill gas is […]

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Understanding Landfill Gas Risks Before Buying Property Near a Landfill

Buying Real Estate: Understand Landfill Gas Risks before buying land near a landfill! The ability of landfill sites to evolve methane has been recognised for very many years by site operators who appeared until the mid-seventies to accept small fires caused by ignition of methane as one of the minor problems associated with waste disposal.  […]

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