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Landfill Gas Management

Landfill Gas Management is an important necessity at most landfills receiving degradable wastes such as MSW and many non-hazardous industrial wastes. It is necessary to extract landfill gas in order to prevent it from migrating away from the landfill.

Landfill gas (LFG), a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, has the potential to cause harm to human health, via explosion or asphyxiation, and to cause environmental damage such as crop failure. It also has a significant climate changing effect in the world’s atmosphere.

Examples of all three have occurred both within and outside landfills and are discussed here.

Landfill Gas Management is applying good practice techniques for extracting and controlling LFG. All are are now reasonably well established and in common use, and are discussed in this category.

Image of a landfill gas power plant.

Landfill Gas Power Plants

Landfill Gas Power Plants should be installed at all landfills, where the landfill gas (LFG) extraction rate is large enough to sustain a steady flow for long periods (multiple years). A typical Landfill Gas Power Plant for most landfill sites is an internal combustion engine, or possibly a gas turbine. The typical landfill gas power plant is used […]

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Image shows a landfill power plant.

Landfill Power Plant that Use Landfill Gas [Case Studies]

Installing a modern Landfill Power Plant is a great way to use Landfill Gas to make renewable energy. Read the following Case Studies and you will learn why. Although in the recent years the UK has improved the way it recycles waste. The UK still has a mountain to climb – quite literally – because most […]

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A landfill collection system shown in 3D cut-away style. By US EPA - LMOP (US EPA - LMOP) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Landfill Gas Collection Systems Defined – UK Facts and Myths

Go no further to read all about landfill gas collection systems. LFG collection systems are defined in the next section, followed by a UK landfill gas collection history. Those are the facts, now for the myths! If you scroll further down on this page we explain some myths about Landfill Gas Collection Systems, and a truth. […]

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Image shows this article's title over a landfill gas engine or CHP untit

Landfill Gas Engine Tendering Tips for High Landfill Gas Utilisation and Value

We decided to create this article about landfill gas engine tendering due to concerns about lowest cost tendering rules. Read-on for our tips designed to help you procure high landfill Gas Utilisation and low prices. Very often a landfill gas CHP unit (gas engine) is selected which offers a low capital cost, but the purchaser […]

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enclosed landfill gas flare

Welcome to Our Website!

Read this first to find out about this website is about. Our aim is to provide those involved in the renewable energy, resource and waste management industries the best source of information about: “Landfill gas, its creation and use, from the processes that produce it, to the production of sustainable renewable energy from it”. We […]

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Landfill gas emissions trial bays used for research into bio-oxidation of landfill gas.

Landfill Gas Bio-oxidation in Passive Biofilters

In this article we discuss landfill gas bio-oxidation (also referred to by many people as the development of the landfill gas biofilter). We also suggest practical methods for avoiding greenhouse gas emissions at closed landfills. This is generally LFG from landfilled waste which is usually 15 years old or older. As time passes, both the […]

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Passive landfill gas biofilter

Passive Landfill Gas Biofilter Research Reveals Potential as an Effective and Viable Option

The Landfill Gas Biofilter – Developing Bio-oxidation Filter Technology for Landfill Gas Treatment During the Long Period of Dwindling Gas Yields at Modern Sanitary Landfills (This article is based upon a paper ref: M. Huber-Humer; Dwindling Landfill Gas – Relevance and Aftercare Approaches; 2nd Boku Waste Conference 2007, Institute of Waste Management, BOKU.) The production and […]

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Siloxane removal from biogas

Methods of Siloxane Removal from Biogas

There are at least 5 methods of siloxane removal from biogas which have been used. This remarkable range of methods is described below. First, we will define what siloxane is and explain why it needs to be removed: Siloxane removal from biogas is imperative to guarantee a consistent performance of frequently used machinery. Machinery like […]

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Landfills or Incineration? Which is Best for Reducing Carbon Emissions

Greenhouse Gas Generation – Landfilling and Incineration Compared So, you want to know which is better for the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions – Landfills or Incineration? When waste is incinerated, two greenhouse gases are produced, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. The IPCC has produced detailed guidance on what counts as a greenhouse gas and what does […]

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Landfill gas management compound

Landfill Gas Management – How Long Will it be Needed?

How Long Will It Take Before a Sanitary Landfill Stops Producing Landfill Gas? Researchers in landfill gas management who have observed landfill gas generation rates in modern sanitary landfills, and how these vary with time, suggest that: Landfill gas generation rates increase very rapidly after the onset of gas generation (known as methanogenesis), in a […]

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